Pressemitteilung: Airbus’ iconic Beluga super transporters ready to serve global outsized-cargo demand

Toulouse, 25 January 2022 – Airbus has launched a new air-cargo service using its unique BelugaST fleet to offer freight companies and other potential customers a solution to their outsized freight transportation needs. The new service - Airbus Beluga Transport - will provide commercially-contracted customers in a variety of sectors, including space, energy, military, aeronautic, maritime and humanitarian sectors, with a solution to their large cargo transport needs. (....)

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-> Pressemitteilung: Airbus’ iconic Beluga super transporters ready to serve global outsized-cargo demand

Quelle: Airbus Group SE

Schlagwörter: new air-cargo service, BelugaST fleet, Beluga super transporters, global outsized-cargo demand

Kategorie(n): Logistik-Produkte