Pressemitteilung: Addressing seafarers' challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic

At the 32nd session of the IMO Assembly (A 32) from 6-15 December 2021, the Assembly adopted a resolution on comprehensive action to address seafarers' challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, consolidating issues related to crew change, access to medical care, ʺkey workerʺ designation and seafarers' prioritization for COVID-19 vaccination. The resolution urges Member States to: • designate seafarers as ʺkey workersʺ in order to facilitate shore leave and safe and unhindered movement across borders, and recognize their relevant documentation for this purpose; (....)

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-> Pressemitteilung: Addressing seafarers' challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic

Quelle: International Maritime Organization (IMO)

Schlagwörter: seafarers' challenges, COVID-19 pandemic, resolution, crew change, access to medical care, ʺkey workerʺ designation, prioritization for COVID-19 vaccination

Kategorie(n): Über die Logistik(er)