Pressemitteilung: China sees thriving fuel cell vehicle market

BEIJING, March 28 -- China has seen rapid development in the fuel cell vehicle (FCV) market in recent years, with the compound annual growth rate of FCV sales reaching 32.3 percent during the 2016-2022 period. In the period, about 10,300 such vehicles were sold in China, Luo Junjie, executive vice president of the China Machinery Industry Federation, said Tuesday at a press conference. As a type of electric vehicle, FCVs use hydrogen gas to generate the electricity required to run a motor. (....)

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-> Pressemitteilung: China sees thriving fuel cell vehicle market

Quelle: State Council of the People’s Republic of China

Schlagwörter: State Council of the People’s Republic of China, fuel cell vehicle, development, FCV, market, Machinery Industry Federation

Kategorie(n): Märkte & Konjunktur