Pressemitteilung: CNPC Completes World's First Biojet Fuel Transaction on AOM Platform

China National Petroleum Corporation has recently completed the world's first biojet fuel transaction on the Argus Open Markets (AOM) platform in Europe, a significant milestone in the company's integration of bioenergy operations. Global energy and commodity price reporting agency Argus has extended its AOM real-time electronic price discovery platform to include used cooking oil and used cooking oil methyl ester prices in the Asia-Pacific in 2023 amid rising demand for renewable feedstocks and fuels worldwide. AOM now serves as the primary marketplace for physical bioenergy transactions in Europe. (....)

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-> Pressemitteilung: CNPC Completes World's First Biojet Fuel Transaction on AOM Platform

Quelle: State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council - People’s Republic of China

Schlagwörter: State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council - People’s Republic of China, CNPC, Biojet Fuel Transaction, Argus Open Markets (AOM) platform, Europe, company's integration of bioenergy operations

Kategorie(n): Geschäftsmodelle & Strategien