Pressemitteilung: deployEMDS: Open opportunities to create a common European mobility data space

Co-funded by the EU Digital Europe Programme, the deployEMDS project aims to create a common European mobility data space and foster a broad ecosystem of data providers and users. This initiative will make it easier to adopt common building blocks and contribute to the development of innovative services and applications. Sixteen use cases from nine EU countries will support this project. The European mobility data space (EMDS) will provide a framework for interlinking and federating ecosystems, and deployEMDS will support this initiative. EIT Urban Mobility is one of the proud partners of this initiative. (....)

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-> Pressemitteilung: deployEMDS: Open opportunities to create a common European mobility data space

Quelle: EIT Urban Mobility

Schlagwörter: EIT Urban Mobility, deployEMDS, European mobility data space, broad ecosystem of data providers and users, innovative services and applications, Sixteen use cases, nine EU countries, European mobility data space (EMDS)

Kategorie(n): Geschäftsmodelle & Strategien