Pressemitteilung: Dutch union FNV’s win against Uber yet another sign that EU law must confirm platform workers are employees

“The legal relationship between Uber and these drivers meets all the characteristics of an employment contract,” ruled the Court of Amsterdam in the case brought forward by Dutch trade union FNV against Uber. Meaning: Uber drivers are employees. Therefore Uber is an employer and must apply the sectoral collective agreement for the taxi sector. A huge win for gig economy drivers in the Netherlands who can now look forward to better wages and more rights in the event of dismissal or illness. (....)

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-> Pressemitteilung: Dutch union FNV’s win against Uber yet another sign that EU law must confirm platform workers are employees

Quelle: European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF)

Schlagwörter: Dutch union FNV, Uber, EU law, platform workers, employees, legal relationship, employment contract

Kategorie(n): Über die Logistik(er) ; Mobilität & Verkehr