Pressemitteilung: EasyPark Group sustains expansion in electrical vehicle charging

The electrification of the car fleet is rapidly increasing. In 2018 barely two percent of all new cars were electric or plug-in electric compared to a staggering 21.6 percent in 2022*. EasyPark Group, a global mobility platform provider, continues to expand its EVC offerings, with a growth of 65 percent in charging spot presence in 2023. (....)

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-> Pressemitteilung: EasyPark Group sustains expansion in electrical vehicle charging

Quelle: Easypark GmbH

Schlagwörter: Easypark GmbH, electrical vehicle charging, electrification, car fleet, electric or plug-in electric, 21.6 percent in 2022, EVC offerings, 65 percent in charging spot presence in 2023

Kategorie(n): Produkte für die Logistik