Pressemitteilung: Introduction to the Sustainability Glossary: Key Concepts Simplified

As the logistics and transportation sectors move towards sustainability, understanding the terminology involved is crucial. Our educational campaign, aims to demystify these terms and promote a deeper understanding of sustainable transport solutions. This glossary provides straightforward explanations of important concepts like BEV, CSRD, ETS, and many many more. It’s designed to aid everyone from industry insiders to the general public in comprehending and discussing the sustainable transformation of logistics. (....)

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-> Pressemitteilung: Introduction to the Sustainability Glossary: Key Concepts Simplified

Quelle: Girteka

Schlagwörter: Girteka, Sustainability Glossary, Key Concepts Simplified, Alternative Fuels, Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (AFID), Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR), Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV), Biofuels, Carbon Footprint, Carbon Neutral

Kategorie(n): Aus den Organisationen