Pressemitteilung: Italian unions sign landmark agreement with Amazon

Today, Italian transport unions FILT-CGIL, FIT-CISL and UILTRASPORTI signed a historic industrial relations protocol with Amazon, establishing that the company must recognise them as social partners. With this agreement, Amazon also commits to complying with the rules stipulated in the National Collective Labour Agreement for Logistics, Freight Transport and Shipping where their logistics employees are concerned. Unions will now be able to constructively negotiate with the logistics behemoth on health and safety issues, workload, working time, bonuses and more. (....)

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-> Pressemitteilung: Italian unions sign landmark agreement with Amazon

Quelle: European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF)

Schlagwörter: Italian transport unions, FILT-CGIL, FIT-CISL, UILTRASPORTI, agreement, Amazon, social partners, National Collective Labour Agreement for Logistics, Freight Transport and Shipping, logistics employees

Kategorie(n): Über die Logistik(er)