Pressemitteilung: ITF delivers justice for Yangtze Fortune crew abandoned off Australian coast – seafarers repaid missing wages and repatriated home

Seafarers stranded aboard a livestock carrier vessel abandoned off the Australian coast have finally been repaid their missing wages and repatriated home with the assistance of the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF). The Yangtze Fortune (IMO: 9336282) was arrested in Portland, Victoria by the Australian Federal Court in December 2022 and shortly after it was abandoned by its Hong Kong owners. Throughout the months since, the ITF has been working with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) and the country’s federal Admiralty Marshall to support the crew and fight for complete restitution of the crew’s missing wages. (....)

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-> Pressemitteilung: ITF delivers justice for Yangtze Fortune crew abandoned off Australian coast – seafarers repaid missing wages and repatriated home

Quelle: International Transport Workers’ Federation (IFT)

Schlagwörter: International Transport Workers’ Federation (IFT), Australian coast, wage, repatriated home, Yangtze Fortune

Kategorie(n): Über die Logistik(er)