Pressemitteilung: New EUROCONTROL 2021-2027 forecast expects traffic recovery to 2019 levels by the end of 2023

Recovery to the 2019 number of flights in Europe could occur as early as 2023, according to a new forecast issued by EUROCONTROL. / This forecast contains three scenarios and both the ‘baseline’ and ‘high’ scenarios show recovery to 2019 levels during the course of 2023, while this is delayed in the ‘low’ scenario until 2027. (....)

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-> Pressemitteilung: New EUROCONTROL 2021-2027 forecast expects traffic recovery to 2019 levels by the end of 2023

Quelle: Eurocontrol

Schlagwörter: New EUROCONTROL 2021-2027 forecast, traffic recovery to 2019 levels, by the end of 2023, three scenarios, baseline, high, low

Kategorie(n): Märkte & Konjunktur