Pressemitteilung: Port pro of the month: Ansis Zeltins (LV)

For the last edition of the port pro of the month of 2021, ESPO sits with Mr Ansis Zeltins, CEO of Freeport of Riga. He explains how he got into the maritime industry, the projects and investments for the next years in the port, and shares his views on the revision of the EU’s TEN-T policy, the port’s relationship with the city of Riga, and much more. (....)

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-> Pressemitteilung: Port pro of the month: Ansis Zeltins (LV)

Quelle: European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO)

Schlagwörter: Port pro of the month, Ansis Zeltins, CEO, Freeport of Riga, maritime industry, projects, investments, port, EU, TEN-T policy

Kategorie(n): Über die Logistik(er)