Pressemitteilung: Port pro of the month: Dirk Pergoot (BG)

Our port pro of the month is Mr Dirk Pergoot from Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company (BPI Co.). In what follows, you will read more about the impacts of the war in Ukraine on the port business and developments, long-term projects and environmental priorities in BPI Co., as well as the importance of the energy in the port sector. Discover below some other interesting topics addressed by our port professional of the month! (....)

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-> Pressemitteilung: Port pro of the month: Dirk Pergoot (BG)

Quelle: European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO)

Schlagwörter: European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO), Port pro of the month, Dirk Pergoot, Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company (BPI Co.)

Kategorie(n): Über die Logistik(er)