Pressemitteilung: Priorities of Europe’s seaports for 2024-2029

In view of the upcoming EU elections, the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) has set its priorities for the next five years. The world is in transition, ports are in transition. More than ever, ports are strategic entities and enablers of Europe’s ambitions and its sustainable, digital, competitive, strong and social future. Ports want to be part of the solution and are taking up new responsabilities on top of their traditional role as multimodal hub in the supply chain. (....)

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-> Pressemitteilung: Priorities of Europe’s seaports for 2024-2029

Quelle: European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO)

Schlagwörter: European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO), Priorities of Europe’s seaports, EU elections, transition, ports are strategic entities, multimodal hub, supply chain, "a net-zero, smart, resilient and competitive Europe: Europe’s ports are part of the solution”

Kategorie(n): Neue Publikationen