Pressemitteilung: Renault Trucks to open a service outlet in the heart of Lyon’s Urban Logistics Hotel

Renault Trucks is gearing up to debut a service outlet with an innovative concept, as it will be located at the Urban Logistics Hotel (ULH) in Lyon-Gerland. This service outlet, known as Renault Trucks City, has all the features of a traditional Renault Trucks garage, with the big difference being that it will be located in the heart of the city. Opening this workshop is part of Renault Trucks’ strategy to ensure that it considers all aspects of the urban logistics ecosystem. The manufacturer is committed to being on hand at every stage of the logistics chain. The Urban Logistics Hotel (ULH) in Lyon-Gerland, a logistics centre designed to manage the distribution of goods in the city, will open its doors at the end of March 2024 at Edouard Herriot port. The centre will act as a central hub, unlading and sorting goods, then rearranging them in low-emission vehicles, enabling low-carbon delivery tailored to urban constraints. The Lyon ULH will be home to a number of transport and logistics specialists, including Renault Trucks, which has built a new kind of service outlet there. (....)

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-> Pressemitteilung: Renault Trucks to open a service outlet in the heart of Lyon’s Urban Logistics Hotel

Quelle: Renault Trucks

Schlagwörter: Renault Trucks, service outlet, Urban Logistics Hotel (ULH), Lyon-Gerland, traditional Renault Trucks garage, urban logistics ecosystem, logistics chain

Kategorie(n): Mobilität & Verkehr