Pressemitteilung: Russian energy imports fell by €6.1 billion

Russian military aggression against Ukraine has led to a disruption of international trade in goods, in particular for trade in energy products. Considering seasonally adjusted values, the share of Russia in EU energy imports was rather stable until the first quarter 2022 (between 26.0% and 27.6%). The share declined sharply between the first and second quarter of 2022 and this downward trend continued between the second and third quarter of 2022. Overall, Russia’s share of EU energy imports fell by more than 10 percentage points between the first and third quarter of 2022, from 25.5% to 15.1%. (....)

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-> Pressemitteilung: Russian energy imports fell by €6.1 billion

Quelle: eurostat

Schlagwörter: eurostat, Russian military aggression against Ukraine, Russian energy imports, Drop, by €6.1 billion

Kategorie(n): Märkte & Konjunktur