Pressemitteilung: Schiphol, Rotterdam The Hague Airport and Eindhoven Airport go back to international standard for liquids in hand baggage
As of 1 September 2024, it is no longer allowed to take liquids in packaging larger than 100 ml in hand baggage. Despite previously relaxing the rules after the introduction of CT scanners, Schiphol, Rotterdam The Hague Airport and Eindhoven Airport are going back to the international standard of a maximum of 100 ml per package. This change is not related to any revision in threat levels. In taking this measure, the airports are following new guidelines from the European Commission. (....)
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Schlagwörter: Royal Schiphol Group, Rotterdam The Hague Airport, Eindhoven Airport, international standard for liquids, hand baggage, 1 September 2024, maximum of 100 ml per package