Pressemitteilung: The Hidden Benefits of Eco-Driving: Insights from a Driver

In today’s world, where the urgency of decarbonization is felt more acutely than ever, the logistics industry faces significant challenges. Lack of infrastructure, grid capacity, BEV trucks distance, costs of other alternative solutions – while all those challenges are being discussed to find the best available solution or approach, there is a simple action that can already start working in favour of reducing emission from transport. Eco-driving, sometimes underestimated, is still not a favoured option for many professional drivers. But why exactly and what are the benefits of it not only on a larger scale but from a driver’s perspective? (....)

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-> Pressemitteilung: The Hidden Benefits of Eco-Driving: Insights from a Driver

Quelle: Girteka

Schlagwörter: Girteka, Eco-Driving, Insights from a Driver, urgency of decarbonization, Lack of infrastructure, grid capacity, BEV trucks distance, costs of other alternative solutions

Kategorie(n): Über die Logistik(er)