Aviation Logistics : The dynamic partnership of air freight and supply chain (Lehrbuch)
von: Michael Sales
Ausgabe: 1. Auflage
Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
Das Buch gliedert sich in 15 Kapitel:
- Air cargo – trying harder
- The world of air cargo, Oliver Evans, former TIACA
- Air cargo history
- Airport connections
- Cargo handling agents – the impact of IT
- Road feeder service
- Freight forwarder
- Cool logistics
- Express and mail
- Special air cargoes
- Cargo security and risk
- Environment
- Innovation and trends in air logistics
- Views on the future
- The law – organizations and regulations governing international aviation
Das gesamte Inhaltsverzeichnis findet sich unten.
Bibliografische Information:
Titel mit Untertitel: | Aviation logistics : the dynamic partnership of air freight and supply chain / Sales, Michael |
Person(en): | Sales ; Michael (Verfasser) |
Erscheinungsdatum: | 2016 |
Ausgabe: | 1. Auflage |
Verlag: | Kogan Page, London, Philadelphia, New Delhi |
Verlagsseite des Titels: | https://www.koganpage.com/product/aviation-logistics-9780749472702 |
Umfang: | XII ; 192 Seiten |
Inhaltstyp: | Lehrbuch |
Format(e): | |
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-0-749-47270-2 |
eBook ISBN: | |
Persistent Identifier: | |
Sprache(n): | Englisch (engl.) |
Schlagwörter: | Luftverkehr, Personenbeförderung, Gütertransport, Postbeförderung, Fluglinien, Frischelogistik, Fachbuch |
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Foreword by Ram Menen | VIII |
Welcome to Aviation Logistics | X |
01 Air cargo – trying harder | 1 |
Supply chains under pressure | 5 |
Air cargo’s strengths | 6 |
Modal shift | 7 |
02 The world of air cargo, Oliver Evans, former TIACA | 9 |
Profit | 10 |
Planet | 12 |
People | 13 |
03 Air cargo history | 19 |
Regulations and agreements | 19 |
The Berlin airlift | 21 |
The growth of air freight | 22 |
The air freight market today | 27 |
Conclusions | 33 |
04 Airport connections | 37 |
Globalization | 37 |
Environmental pressures | 38 |
Airport types | 40 |
Integrators | 43 |
Summary | 43 |
05 Cargo handling agents – the impact of IT | 45 |
Early days | 45 |
Airlines at the start of computer technology | 46 |
Change factors | 49 |
The role of the General Handling Agent | 59 |
Conclusions | 66 |
06 Road feeder service | 67 |
On the road | 67 |
The European market | 69 |
Conclusions | 76 |
07 Freight forwarder | 77 |
The development of the forwarder | 78 |
Associations and networks | 79 |
Case study: Hellmann Worldwide | 80 |
08 Cool logistics | 87 |
The cool chain | 87 |
Creating standards | 89 |
The cool chain business | 89 |
Case study: The Fish Society goes global | 94 |
Case study: Live lobster Clearwater perspective | 97 |
Conclusions | 103 |
09 Express and mail | 105 |
Market sectors | 106 |
Changes in trading patterns | 107 |
Integrators | 107 |
Postal services | 109 |
Conclusions | 111 |
10 Special air cargoes | 113 |
Charter brokers | 114 |
Animals | 114 |
Lift off for heavyweight freighters | 118 |
Flying fashion | 121 |
Art craft | 123 |
On the grid | 124 |
Conclusions | 125 |
11 Cargo security and risk | 127 |
Crime | 127 |
Terrorism | 130 |
Natural disasters | 133 |
Health hazards | 135 |
Cybercrime | 140 |
Corruption | 140 |
Conclusions | 141 |
12 Environment | 143 |
The issues | 143 |
The response | 145 |
Air freight’s extra burden | 148 |
13 Innovation and trends in air logistics | 151 |
The industry leaders all agree | 151 |
Changing buying habits | 156 |
Case study: Helicopter delivery – what next? | 160 |
14 Views on the future | 163 |
Enno Osinga | 163 |
Alexis Sioris | 164 |
Heiner Siegmund | 166 |
Fred Smith | 168 |
Dieter Haltmayer | 169 |
Michael Sales | 170 |
Stan Wraight | 172 |
Ram Menen | 174 |
15 The law – organizations and regulations governing international aviation | 175 |
The Warsaw Convention | 175 |
Regulatory bodies | 176 |
Glossary of common air freight terms | 183 |
Index | 185 |
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Stand: 01.04.2023 / DF